Saturday, November 5, 2011

Study Room Vastu Tips - Decorating Study Room to Increase Concentration

If you have kids at home who are studying then you must always be thinking of what to do to increase their concentration. Although diet and other factors like exercise and daily routine play a major role in enhancing the concentration but there is one more perspective to this, which is “the placement of furniture and items in the study room” to increase the concentration. These guidelines are according to the Study Room Vastu.

Quick Study Room Vastu Tips to Increase Concentration
  1. Always face North or East direction while studying as it helps in increasing the concentration.
  2. To maintain the concentration keep the glass of water with you while studying
  3. Keep your study room clutter free and tidy as this will allow more positive energies to enter the room.
  4. Keep the color of the room in light tones preferably yellow.
  5. If possible keep the windows in East or North direction and the minimum windows in West or South directions. Better to close the West or South directions.
  6. Keep the mobiles and other electromagnetic objects out of the study room.
  7. Study room should have proper light both in the form of natural light as well as artificial light.
  8. Place computer in the south-east direction of the room
  9. The study room should be free from noise and there should not be any noisy toilet.
  10. Do not place TV in the study room

Decorating Study Room to Increase Concentration
Location of Study Room
Study room should be in the East, North or North-East direction of the home.

Location of Study Table
Place the study table facing North or East direction to increase the concentration. Do not stick the table to wall as putting it adjacent to wall will stop the flow of fresh ideas. More open space means more open and fresh ideas. Study table should either be rectangular or square and neither be too big or small. As the table of small size is quiet uncomfortable so hampers the study as well as concentration.

Location of Bookshelves
Best locations of bookshelves are East, North, and North-east directions. Do not put the bookshelves in the corner of the room and also it should not be placed above the study table as it creates stress while studying. Bookshelves should not be cluttery.

Study Room Color Scheme
Keep the color light as the light colors are considered very auspicious as per Vastu.Avoid dark and black color in the study room.

All images are taken from Google Image Search without any intention of using these for profit purposes. Kindly contact me at my email for the removal of the same.